Thursday, August 13, 2009

Where does the time go?

I must confess I am not good at this blogging thing. I always think I'll get things on here, but I never do. I just seem to always forget. So I'll catch up on the past months in a short amount of time.

April- Umstead was Fabulous, I had a 50 mile PR, coming in just under 16 hours. I was so excited and felt very accomplished in finishing almost an hour and a half better than last year. It was such a great race.

May- Preparing for Dance recital. I danced at both of the studios' recitals. It was a ton of work, but I had a great time. My First year of ballet was a success as I did not fall off the stage and was able to pull off my turns. Next season will bring even more challenges.

June- Booty Rumble was fantastic. I got to do a few loops with some fantastic people and a good time was had by all, even in the rain!

July 4th- ran a local 5K for fun and got a PR and a third place AG award. No one was more shocked than me!

July18th- was pushing hard at a local 10K for a PR, but was a minute slower. It was a good race and I was happy with the time.

August- Am training for the upcoming Oil Creek 50K. It is going to be tough on this flatlander, but I am hoping to pull out a finish. I am running another 5K locally with some friends soon, I hope they don't blow my doors off!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Umstead, 1 week away!

I cannot believe how the race snuck up on me. Next friday I'll be making the long awaited trip down to NC with Derek, so we can do some running. I am merely going for another 50 finish, with the hopes of under 14 hours. Derek is going for the 100 finish and it's going to be a good time. We've secrued ourselves a "Green Hornet" aka my Grandfather's Durango so no more trying to cram ourselves and all of our stuff into the rabbit.
I am feeling good about the upcoming race. I have my normal prerace ritual of wondering if I am ready for it, did I pack the right stuff, and am I going to finish. To help with some of that, my co-workers helped me out by signing up to "run a mile" with me. I have lots of names and great messages to carry with my while I run. It will certainly help me at mile 41 when all I want it Mt. Dew and to sit down!
This next week is always the hardest, trying to find the balance between keeping active, but tapering. Luckily I have pretty easy gym workouts planned, and dance will help keep me stretched out.
Don't forget that the Booty Rumble is 2.5 months away... you'll want to get your name in for that ASAP. Plus, I heard a Rumor that the shirts this year are going to be just as sweet as last years... plus I bet some of you want a black slug shirt... so what are you waiting for?